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1. a sacred archive of observations, explorations, and meditations on my connection with mother nature.  

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Evening Primrose|Oenothera biennis

Hence the name, Evening Primrose(Oenothera biennis) blooms in the evening, often thought to be associated with the moon. The moon represents the inner landscape and emotional waters that embraces the soul. Yet these supple blossoms still carry the energy of an early morning sun.

Evening Primrose nourishes the solar plexus, and carries the same energy as the crystal Citrine, and Chiron (the wounded healer) on the natal chart.

By blooming in the evening, it represents coming within, just like a seed that grows first in darkness, and is ready to emerge with the morning sun. So can you. This is where inner confidence and reliance on one's own guidance comes forth.

Evening primrose nourishes the inner child, mother, and father wounds and issues where growth into adulthood resembles scar tissue in intimate relationships. This flower invites you to warmly embrace vulnerability. It gives you the nurturing strength to visit the unseen, overlooked parts of yourself with grace.

The first time I experienced this flower (in tea form), I busted out in tears. By the time I was done with my cup, a huge wave had washed over me, illuminating the contents of my insides, my inner self, and my inner child.

Your inner child lives in your subconscious, It

is your unmet, repressed, and overlooked needs that

weren't fulfilled during childhood. And if they aren't examined and healed, these wounds will play out in your adult relationships, and produce harmful coping mechanisms. These are turbulent times when reparenting our inner child is necessary for the growth of our society. And Evening primrose opens you up to the self love that you deserve.

When I was finished with my cup, I could walk away lighter because I was able to examine the repressed parts of my being that was weighing me down!

Evening primrose does this by slowing down the

sympathetic nervous system ( flight or flight response)

that reacts whenever we find ourselves confronting

tough emotions. Amino acid tryptophan is released

from this flower, that is converted into serotonin

in the body in order to combat depression and anxiety.

Each plant has a specific chemical structure too complexed to even be mimicked in modern medicine, and within our body alchemizes with our soul for ultimate healing.

This herb will be offered in tincture, tea form. Because it is still in bloom I am contemplating making a oil out of Evening Primrose.

Evening primrose is also used for PMS and soothing uterine and menstrual cramps and pain. In addition, this plant has also been known to be used for Menopause and feminine hormone imbalances. I will be writing more on this after more research and use!

Here is some scientific research that involves Evening Primrose:


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