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1. a sacred archive of observations, explorations, and meditations on my connection with mother nature.  

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Ghost Pipe |Monotropa uniflora|

I heard about Ghost Pipe(Monotropa uniflora) through many herbalists I had looked up to. This is an extremely rare plant to find, and if you did then you must harvest in moderation. This is a sensitive plant that is hard to reproduce in the wild. It’s an amazing plant ally I never thought I’d find!

So when I stumbled upon it, I was amazed. I sat with the otherworldly flower. It had found me during a dark time in my life as I was recovering from sexual assault. At this time I felt paralyzed with my life, often I would escape into the woods for miles to escape been perceived. Because then people would see how hurt and fragile I was. It was something I was afraid to see in myself.

It was a very hot day, so hot that if I wasn't being sheltered by the canopy then I would've passed out. But I refused to return home. I didn't know where I was going. And I was skeptical of my ability to track my steps in order to return home. I sat down in exhaustion, it was in that stillness that I could hear nearby animals in their pursuit. I looked down right beside me and that's when I saw the ghostly blooms shooting out of a bed of rotting leaves.

For months I was holding on to trauma deep within my body and soul. No amount of meditation or time was able to get to the root of it. Many days have passed and it seemed like yesterday. Where my body can’t decipher the difference between a friend and an enemy. I moved with a hyper vigilance where any small change or approach to me was an attack or my undoing.

When I finally began to use this plant each day it seemed to sweep away at my being. My shoulders were lighter. I could breath again. This plant yanked away any darkness in me and dredged up trauma deep from the abyss.

Resembling a brain stem and spinal cord this plant is a ally to the nervous system, helping with anxiety and panic attacks. Ghost pipe breaks down unresolved trauma in a way that makes it possible to be processed effectively. It allows you to work with the pain in a way that isn’t overwhelming so that you can move in and reclaim the ultimate power that was always you.

It is an honor to share this plant with you. So that no one is left alone to struggle with unresolved pain (in any form). Please stay tuned to find out more on what I have to offer!

Here is where I include scientific articles that have studied the therapeutic effects of Daylily:


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